Wednesday, September 26, 2012

101 in 1001 days

I love lists. I write them all the time. I also lose them all the time. The one list I never make is a new year’s resolution list because I know I'm a procrastinator! For me a year isn't long enough; however, I am gonna give this a try. I think if I make all my goals semi-realistic I should be able to do everything in 1001 days!

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific {i.e. no ambiguity in the wording} with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching {i.e. represent some amount of work on my part}.

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as new year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities. You can find out more regarding the project here.

Start: Wednesday, September 26, 2012
End: Wednesday, June 24, 2015

1. Think of 101 things to do in 1001 days {101/101} finished 9.26.2012
2. Write in my blog on a regular basis for the next 1001 days
3. Travel to the Caribbean - Christmas 2012
4. Travel to Europe
5. Go to the library 10 times and leave nice notes in the books {0/10}
6. Prepare and send 5 care packages for the soldiers overseas {0/5}
7. Take a camping trip and stay in a tent
8. Go in a hot air balloon ride
9. Learn to sew {for real}
10. Sew a pretty apron
11. Read at least one book a month for a year {3/12} 10.12, 11.12, 12.12
12. Donate all my clothes that I haven’t worn in over 3 months {not seasonal}
13. Throw a message in a bottle into the ocean
14. Take a knitting class
15. Spend a weekend in a Bed and Breakfast
16. Watch the sun rise and set in the same day - Cruise 2012
17. Give to a charity - anonymously
18. Take a real cooking class
19. Take a real baking class
20. Go see an Opera
21. Go to the Renaissance Festival
22. Go to another public winery in Maryland other than Linganore Cellars
23. Go to a winery in Virginia
24. Get pregnant
25. Organize my crafting supplies
26. Walk the entire DC Zoo
27. Go to the Holocaust Museum
28. Go to the Spy Museum
29. Host a slumber party {not the adult kind ;P}
30. Send a thinking of you/appreciation cards to 5 friends {0/5}
31. Go out of my way to make plans with a friend that I haven’t seen in ages {0/12}
32. Build a sandcastle
33. Keep a regular backup of my computer
34. Plant a tree
35. Make a painting for the house 1.19.2013
36. Sing karaoke
37. Send holiday cards to friends and family {not just address them :)} Holidays 2012
38. Do cartwheels in the park
39. Plan a girls trip with my besties
40. Plan a Halloween party 10.27.2012
41. Have a movie night
42. Host a wine and cheese night
43. Start to volunteer again!!!
44. Try three new restaurants in DC {0/3}
45. Go to a Maryland Terps Football game
46. Go to a Maryland Terps Basketball game 11.12.12
47. Visit my brother
48. Visit my sister
49. Go to Disney world
50. Go to Niagara Falls 1.26/27.13
51. Go shooting at the gun range
52. Go to the outer banks
53. Work out 4 days a week for 1 month
54. Watch fireworks 1.26.13
55. Lose 15 Pounds
56. Lose 25 Pounds
57. Lose 35 Pounds
58. Reach goal weight
59. Go to an aquarium
60. Cook 10 new recipes {0/10}
61. Bake bread {not tastefully simple beer bread}
62. Go one month of only buying the bare necessities
63. Take a bartending class
64. Learn CPR
65. Have a picnic in the park
66. Take a walk in the rain
67. Get a bikini wax
68. Take a floral class
69. Carve a pumpkin
70. Learn to kayak
71. Do a crossfit class
72. Go ice skating outside
73. Get a Mac computer
74. Do a 26 things project
75. Take a pottery class 1.20.2013
76. Host a cookie exchange
77. Do a kickboxing/martial arts class
78. Send a secret in to PostSecret
79. Learn to drive a stick shift
80. Take 10 day trips {0/10}
81. Do something green
82. Bake a pie from scratch
83. Learn how to make soft pretzels
84. Volunteer for habitat for humanity
85. Take trapeze lessons
86. Go skinny dipping
87. Go apple picking and then make apple sauce
88. Take flying lessons {airplane}
89. Go snorkeling 12.28.2012
90. Learn to make my own beer
91. Learn how to take a compliment
92. Finally move all of my stuff out of my old condo
93. Be a member of the audience in a TV show
94. Sleep under the stars
95. Eat only home prepared meals for two weeks
96. Learn how to sail
97. Make my own wine
98. See a drive in movie
99. Go out to a club on a Thursday night
100. Go paragliding
101. Make a soundtrack of my life

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Crafty Side

As you can tell by the title of my blog, one thing I love to do is be crafty! Today I had my second official pottery wheel class and it went just like this...

image source: The Movie Scene


Let's just say, I intentionally hid my camera  forgot to take a picture of my piece from tonight.

I will surely be attending studio open hours on Sunday! I need additional practice before class on Tuesday.

I Gave It A Try

So, I tried fitness pilates at the gym today. End of story.

Maybe I'll revisit in a couple of months...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Trying New Things

Usually, I go to the gym and head straight for the elliptical. I listen to my iPod and look at everyone's workout around me.

Sometimes I even venture into the fitness classes like Zumba or Kickboxing, but they aren't really all the fun because I don't have a workout buddy in the class.

Today I decided I would try something new at the gym.

 image source: Lifetime Fitness

Enter Studio Cycling! I had a blast! My butt hurts a bit from those tiny seats (seriously, whose idea was it to make super skinny bike seats?), but(t) I will be back again next week for sure.

Change Your Life

I saw this image over the weekend on a friend's facebook page.

image source: fit.twin cities

I decided that TODAY was my Monday.